Monday, October 11, 2010

Hiatus Continued. . .

Fabulous Fall Foliage here in VT. A lovely mountain stream I shot while hiking near Camel's Hump Mountain, and a shot of our driveway with the changing leaves on the young maple trees. It is so beautiful here this time of year. Everywhere you look is a picture.

My hiatus from painting continues another week at least. I am having a long-buried wisdom tooth removed tomorrow, so will recover in this beautiful place for the rest of the week. Assuming all goes well, I will be back to NY and art classes next week. For now, enjoy my photography. . .

Keep painting friends.

Monday, October 4, 2010

A Brief Hiatus

Sometimes life intervenes. I will be going to VT for the rest of this week so John Henry and Marie will go unfinished. No great loss. I am not happy with my work in either of the classes. Having a bit of a crisis of confidence in my figure painting abilities. I knew I would struggle after the summer off, after spending time painting from photos not life. Suffice it to say, I am struggling. I have taken the unsuccessful attempts down from the blog. I'm also re-thinking how I deal with the blog. Not sure I can handle posting all the work in process. TBD. . .

Hopefully a little time off to attend to a few things will put me in a better frame of mind. For now, I am going to post two of my best from last year to encourage myself to keep going. I'll be back as soon as possible!

Keep painting, friends. I'll be watching you for inspiration and encouragement. Don't hesitate to get in touch by email or by Facebook. "Friend" me if you FB! Take care. . .